Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nice to Meet You! Douzo Yoroshiiku!

Greetings and Expressions....

When meeting someone in Japan, shaking hands is very unusual instead people bow. It is called ojigi and is a way of showing respect and affection. The degree of the bow, from just a little nod of the head to deep and low, depends on the relationship between the two people and the situation. People bow all the time from coming in and out of stores to while driving as well as to thank someone for stopping.

Banzai is a form of celebration in Japan. It is similar to us saying “hip-hip-hurry” three times. Banzai literally means “ten thousand years:. It is done by raising both your arms straight above your head and shouting “BANZAI”. It is generally done three times.

Kashiwade is done when visiting a shrine. It is clapping your hands clapping your hands together prior to entering or at the main area of the shine. It is done to get the gods' attention as well as to focus your own mind.

In North America if we are taking about ourselves, we might place our hand or finger on our chest. In Japan, when people are talking about themselves, they place their finger on the tip of their nose. Also, in North America when we are calling for someone to come to us, we place our palm up and bringing our fingers up and towards us, motioning them to come here. When the Japanese are calling for someone to come, the place their hand out but place the palm of the hand down and then bring the fingers down towards the feet and to the body to tell someone to come.

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